فارس الاحلام عضوفعال
تاريخ الميلاد : 09/03/1987 عدد مشاركاتك : 69 العمر : 37 نقاط التميز : 11576 السٌّمعَة : 0 رسالة sms :
| موضوع: الان تعلم وتحدث الفرنسية بطلاقه مع Learn To Speak French Deluxe v9 من الان انت فرنسى الخميس 15 ديسمبر - 6:23:48 | |
| الان تعلم وتحدث الفرنسية بطلاقه مع Learn To Speak French Deluxe v9
من الان انت فرنسى
البرنامج متكون من 5 اسطوانات تعليمية
ومع هذا البرنامج سوف تتكمن فعلا من ايجاد اللغة الفرنسية وسوف تتحدثها وكأنك فرنسي
ومميزات الاسطوانات التعليمية Faster Learning. Better Communication. Trusted by Millions of Customers Worldwide! Whether you are planning a vacation, traveling for work, or learning for the first time, Learn to Speak helps you achieve language fluency in less time. The Fast & Easy Way to Learn French! The #1 Leading "Affordable" Brand of Immersion Learning! The fastest way to learn is by visiting another country! Learn to Speak is the #1 leading "affordable" brand of Immersion Learning. The Flexible Immersion System places you into real-world scenarios where you interact with native speakers to learn more quickly. No other brand offers more personalization or tailors your learning objectives to your specific needs. You'll learn exactly what you need for travel, business, or school, right when you need it.
Learn Faster with Real-World Scenarios!
Interact with characters in real-life scenarios based on the most common travel situations. Converse with people in each scene and learn more quickly than any other method. Total Immersion Learning � Over 40 Interactive Scenarios
As you progress through each lesson, you'll use your new language skills to interact in real-life situations. It's a captivating, interactive experience that engages you and keeps you interested. Learn the Language through Cultural Movies!
Enrich your learning. Discover the traditions, vivid imagery, and rich history of French culture with 10 documentary-style movies, narrated by a French voice. Designed by University Language Experts!
Learn to Speak, designed by university language experts, is an interactive learning system that's proven to teach you French quickly and easily. With progressive learning lessons, speech recognition technology, and immersion learning, you'll have everything you need to become fluent in French. Build your vocabulary, practice real-world conversations, and perfect your pronunciation!
Award-Winning Lessons
Pronunciation Speaking & Listening Reading & Writing Simulated Conversations Vocabulary & Grammar
Personalized Learning
Pre-Assessment Testing Adjustable Study Plans Subject-Specific Courses Track Your Progress
Captivating & Enjoyable!
Interactive Games Speech Analysis Voice Recording & Playback Talking Dictionary Cultural Movies تم رفع الاسطوانات على روابط مباشرة تسهيلا للاعضاء
وحتى لا ينتظرو وقت لكى يحملو باقى الاجزاء
1- 2 3 4-
لقد تبعت فى الموضوع يا اخوانى وبالاصعب فى الرفع
فلقد رفعته لكم على سيرفر مباشر لكى يكون سهل عليكم التحميل
ارجو ان تقييمو الموضوع وبالاضافه الى الردود فهى ترفع معنويه الذى تعب فى الموضوع
وشكرا لمرورك
| |
aliooooooooooo عضو مشارك
عدد مشاركاتك : 18 نقاط التميز : 11405 السٌّمعَة : 0 رسالة sms :
| موضوع: رد: الان تعلم وتحدث الفرنسية بطلاقه مع Learn To Speak French Deluxe v9 من الان انت فرنسى الخميس 15 ديسمبر - 6:32:01 | |
| __ ######## ######**_ _________*####### __######## #######__ _______** ##*######____ __########## #######__ ____*#### #######___ __########## ########_ __*###### #######__ ___######### ########* _######## #######*_ ____######## ######### ######### #######*_ ______###### ######### ######### #######___ _______ مشكور اخي على البرنامج الاكثر من رائع _____ ________=### #### ### ################______ __________## ##### #### #############______ ___________* ######### ######### ##=______ ____________ *######## ######### #________ ____________ _*####### ########_ _________ ____________ ___###### #######__ _________ ____________ ____##### #####____ _________ ____________ ____ #### ####_____ _________ ____________ _____ #### ##_______ _________ ____________ ______### #________ _________ ____________ ______ ### _________ _________ ____________ _______##___________________ ____________________#____________________ | |